Sunday, 19 December 2010

snow, snow, sno-- *dead*

Yes, back in snowey Norway and this is my first weekly update! I will try to update each Sunday! So this week I came home(obviously) and I have just been working a lot on my essay and even went to an old art teacher to get a bit more education on perspective drawing, and I have played Mario Kart, whenever I could! I looove that game <3 and today I worked on my artist study of Albrecht Dürer, which I will put up here, together with the observational drawings I have done this week.

well, I have a good Sunday everyone

Lily x

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Return to the motherland

yes, soon I will be back in Norway again! More precisely, 13.00 English time on Tuesday 14th of December! YAY! I'm packing and trying hard to do some work in the process. I feel really bad, since I've hardly done ANY observational drawings... but at least I attended the life drawing lessons so I have at least something to show here, also some artist study dump. I tried to sort them, put still ain't used to this blogg-thing! So this is the best I can do.. well I will try to keep updated daily or weekly if I can! And everyone in East House: SEE YOU NEXT YEAR! LOVE YOU<3


Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Snoooooow- shi-!

okay, I'm bad at this 'regular update-thing' but blogging is new to me : P yeah, so poor little Bournemouth is trying It's best to make it snow, just like his other siblings but is having a hard time with it. Personally I wouldn't say it was a bad shot at it! :

in the meantime I am desperately trying to get into a Christmasy feeling by decorating my room! I'm rather pleased with it, but it still needs something extra...hmm... MORE CHRISTMAS SHOPPING! hahaha

Instead of doing work, I'll continue to listen to Frank Sinatra's Christmas songs and making Christmas hearts!

Friday, 19 November 2010


This summer I did my VERY first dog portrait, acrylic on canvas, and I was kind of 'bitten by the bug', as it were. So recently I've been drawing a lot of head shots of dogs and I'm hoping I can paint requests of peoples' dogs, and earn some money in the process! So here's some examples of what I've done.. not a large collection yet, but it'll grow + the Elk-hound painting I did this summer.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

It begins...

So! I'll just start it off with some personal work, to kinda show who I am and what I am truly inspired and enthusiastic about! DRAGON!! RAWR! love 'em!

so yeah, I love to draw them.. I'll be adding my dragon doodles from class as well[since I do a 'few' of them]
Well for now, enjoy! I'm off to bed!

Lily x

First post!

okay! finally set up a blogg, lets just hope it lasts longer then the other one.. I just have a tendency to forget to update or that this thing even exists..x3 well this time I have a deeper purpose of the blogg; to show 'off' my artwork/sketches/doodles!

So, yeah, we'll see if I can keep myself updated!
