Sunday, 19 December 2010

snow, snow, sno-- *dead*

Yes, back in snowey Norway and this is my first weekly update! I will try to update each Sunday! So this week I came home(obviously) and I have just been working a lot on my essay and even went to an old art teacher to get a bit more education on perspective drawing, and I have played Mario Kart, whenever I could! I looove that game <3 and today I worked on my artist study of Albrecht Dürer, which I will put up here, together with the observational drawings I have done this week.

well, I have a good Sunday everyone

Lily x

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Return to the motherland

yes, soon I will be back in Norway again! More precisely, 13.00 English time on Tuesday 14th of December! YAY! I'm packing and trying hard to do some work in the process. I feel really bad, since I've hardly done ANY observational drawings... but at least I attended the life drawing lessons so I have at least something to show here, also some artist study dump. I tried to sort them, put still ain't used to this blogg-thing! So this is the best I can do.. well I will try to keep updated daily or weekly if I can! And everyone in East House: SEE YOU NEXT YEAR! LOVE YOU<3
