Sunday, 3 April 2011

Umm.. Yes, Hello there...

ahhahaha.ha.ha.. *cough* My updating skills need work, I know. ANYWAAY, I'll be taking my time with this one! A lot has indeed happened since my last post, but forget that; we went to the zoooo!! i love seeing animals! I know It's for drawing purposes, but since I have never been to Marwell zoo, I decided that I would concentrate on getting to know the animals and their locations, and of course taking LOTS of picture! Because we are going back on the 7th, so then I will be fully prepared to fill many pages! I just can't wait. : )

Well I was going to, and still planning to, put some drawings up! Just need to scan them in, so I will be updating this post later on in the week : )

oh! and Easter holiday is around the corner!! :D So excited! but before that I need to work hard to finish a few stuff. Wish me luck, people who still check my blog :D

Edit: finally! yay picture 8D well sorta, it's my drawings, and I put in some birds I drew from the bird Aviary in Bournemouth town : )
